
It's a thing I can't avoid. I always have a song in my head. Sometimes I go years with a song in my head before I hear the song in the real world and then I hear it and my mind goes wild. At various points in my life, music has been somewhere between a lot and all of my identity. My current opinion is that music doesn't matter much, but music mattering is not why it exists. It's fun, and fun matters. It's fun to have big feelings about things that don't matter. It's fun to organize communities around things that don't matter. It's fun to make things that don't matter matter. Isn't that cool?

I currently spend most of my music time thinking about, writing about, and organizing around music and with the hopes of making it matter.

Oregon Trail: 2005-2007
Still We Sleep: 2006-2008
The Hotelier: 2008-present
Other Joliah:  2016-present

Dreams of Field Recordings: 2020-present

Union of Musicians and Allied Workers: 2020-present